Giada's Italy Book Signing

I am a huge Giada De Laurentis fan.  I have seen every episode of all her shows.  I have been to her restaurant in Las Vegas and I have been to every single one of her book tours, except for one.  I really really like her.  I love her fashion, her smile, and I really do love making her recipes.  Her cook books are a must.  This past Tuesday my friend Sophie and I went to her book signing at The Grove.  We had a great day shopping, eating, and having fun.  Thank you Sophie for spending the day with me! 


I think the only bummer was that I was not able to get a photo of the two of us looking at the camera.  Security told us she would not be taking photos with guests that we were only allowed to take photos of her signing our book.  I was a little disappointed, but I was really happy because she was promoting her new cookbook and only signing that cookbook nothing else, but when I was talking with her I told her I have been to every book signing except one and I had the older cookbook with me and she signed it.  So now all of my Giada cookbooks are signed!

I could not find any photos from when I went to her book signings in 2005 and 2006 but here are some past book signing photos I wanted to share with all of you.

Giada signing my book in 2007 (Thanks Blake for the blurry picture and not even getting me in the photo!)


This one was 2012 and it is my favorite photo ever

Baby Carter 


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