Our Christmas card

Since Blake and I got engaged in June of 2003, we have always sent out a Christmas card with a picture of the two of us! I absolutely love sending Christmas cards and I put so much thought into doing them each year. This year in general has been very stressful and extremely busy for me and Blake. In October I took a long term sub job and I have had my hands full! I realized after Thanksgiving that I did not have a picture for our Christmas card and I had not even looked at my usual websites for Christmas card templates. Thankfully the Sunday after Thanksgiving Garrett (my brother-in-law) snapped this photo of me and Blake at the Christmas tree lot and I LOVED it. That same night while I was busy starting to decorate for Christmas and work on my lesson plans, my sweet husband put our Christmas card together. He picked the template, chose the wording, and ordered them! Of course he got my approval first, but I loved that he took charge and just did it! They are probably my favorite cards that we have done so far! Every time I see it in our house it makes me smile. My favorite part is the back. I love that he added another picture and the saying is just so perfect. Merry Christmas!

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