Do you know..?

Do you know why the mascot for Children's Hospital is a giraffe? It's because a giraffe has the biggest heart of any animal in the world. Blake and I have a very special connection with Children's Hospital because when our nephew Yale was born he had to spend some time there until his lungs were fully developed. The doctors and nurses took such amazing care of him that we will forever be grateful for everything they did. My sister Ashley was blessed this semester to be accepted for an externship with Children's Hospital. She is loving every minute of it and today she was asked to be George the giraffe (the hospital's mascot). As her older sister, I could not miss this opportunity to see her dressed up as a giraffe and catch a quick glimpse of her at work. I am so very proud of her and all of her accomplishments, but today I was extra proud and my heart beat a little quicker with a smile from ear to ear watching her at work (so grown up) making others smile.

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