The Adam Project is a sci-fi adventure story that follows a fighter pilot from the future who travels back in time to team up with his younger self and his father to change the future and save the world. Directed by Shawn Levy and starring Ryan Reynolds, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner, Walker Scobell, with Catherine Keener and Zoe Saldaña. I was honored to screen the movie last month and it is so good. The cast and movie are both phenomenal. I was actually invited to a screening in LA with Ryan Reynolds and Jennifer Garner, but I could not make it and I am still kicking myself for missing it! The Adam Project premieres on Netflix Friday, March 11th and it is perfect for the whole family.
The sci-fi adventure movie is a story about love, loss, healing, time travel, and bridging the worlds of the past and the future. The movie is 1 hour and 46 minutes long. It is rated PG-13. It is a great movie for the entire family and The Adam Project premieres on Netflix tomorrow March 11th.
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