The Elf On The Shelf: The Christmas Tradition came out in 2005 and became an instant success. It won best toy award in 2008, 2009, and 2010. I could not wait to begin the tradition with Carter once he was born in 2011. The first couple of years I don't think Carter really understood, but I loved it. I moved Tinsel every night, helped Carter find him in the morning, and Tinsel always left a little treat from the North Pole that he got from Santa each night for Carter. A couple years later Kennedy joined the fun and as they both grow each year and mature they seriously can't wait to wake up each morning to find Tinsel, and now Jingle as well. Tinsel and Jingle leave a note each morning for the kids and Carter loves to read it to us at breakfast. They still get a little gift each day and they are so excited to see what Tinsel and Jingle have left for them. I really enjoy The Elf On The Shelf, so if you are on the fence about doing it I wanted to break it down for you a little more. You can also view my IG highlights here for all of this year's fun. I share what Tinsel & Jingle were doing daily and what they left for Carter & Kennedy.
I love Elf On The Shelf so much. We were even invited to an event and got to meet Chandra Bell and screen the newest Elf Pets movie before it was released! I have also worked with Elf On The Shelf and it was amazing. You can read about the event here and when I worked with Elf On The Shelf here.
Two places that I shop for Elf On The Shelf merch, ideas and things that help me with all the days in December are here and here. You can see all the fun Jingle and Tinsel had in 2020 here.
Our elves, Tinsel & Jingle, always arrive on December 1st. Some families have their elves arrive the day after Thanksgiving and to me that is not the beginning of the Christmas season. Plus, that just adds on extra days for ideas and gifts from your elves, so in my opinion you are just making more work for yourself. I have a calendar with costumes of what my elves will be doing each night once the kids are in bed. I type the letter each night and put the gifts out on our table for the morning. I also have all the gifts bought and planned for the entire month that the elves will leave. I don't want to stress or worry about any of the elf stuff during the month of December.
Ball Pit can be found here
Pin The Tail on Elf Pets can be found here
Best Friends can be found here
Taco Tuesday can be found here
I found the mini Jenga game at Hobby Lobby
I found the mini Uno game at Hobby Lobby
Scout Elf Solo here
Photo Booth can be found here
Cereal Box can be found here
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