The Best Halloween Books and Movies For Kids & Families

Maybe it is the teacher in me, but I spend more money at Barnes and Noble than anywhere else. Carter and Kennedy's two favorite stores are the Disney store and the book store. Our Barnes and Noble is pretty awesome. There is a Starbucks with some amazing delicious snack foods, toys and games galore, great greeting cards, and of course books! We are huge readers in this family and books are our jam! I wanted to share our growing collection of Halloween books. If you have any great ones that your kids love, please share!

Here is a list of our favorite Halloween books:

Carter also loves the A to Z Mysteries series books.  They are so fun and some of them are perfect for Halloween like The Vampire's Vacation, The Missing Mummy, The Zombie Zone.

Here is a list of our favorite Halloween movies:

15. Casper

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