As you all know Blake and I never leave our children. We go everywhere as a family and we have never vacationed or left the children with anyone over night just for fun. We have literally been with them every single day and night. So, when Carter turned 4 and I knew he had to go to preschool I was devastated. I was happy to have him home every day with me, run errands, eat together, and just be with me. I did not think anyone would take care of my baby like I would and knowing the world we live in I was just so scared to send him off for a few hours a day and only a couple days a week in the hands of someone else without me watching over him. Thinking about preschool and sending Carter off always made me cry.
As you all know Blake and I never leave our children. We go everywhere as a family and we have never vacationed or left the children with anyone over night just for fun. We have literally been with them every single day and night. So, when Carter turned 4 and I knew he had to go to preschool I was devastated. I was happy to have him home every day with me, run errands, eat together, and just be with me. I did not think anyone would take care of my baby like I would and knowing the world we live in I was just so scared to send him off for a few hours a day and only a couple days a week in the hands of someone else without me watching over him. Thinking about preschool and sending Carter off always made me cry.
I remember his first day like it was yesterday. After this picture we said goodbye and Blake went off to work and I got in the car and cried all the way home and cried more at home.
Carter went to preschool for two years. He started in 2015. He could have gone to kindergarten last year when he turned 5 in August, but we decided one more year of preschool was probably best for him. Carter had the same two teachers both years at his preschool and I could not have asked for two more loving, amazing, beautiful, teachers to watch over Carter at school. I felt secure and confident that he was in good hands and having so much fun. Carter learned so much in these last two years, and of course he mastered the most important things like numbers, alphabet, shapes, and colors. But he also learned to share, be part of a group, listen to others, communicate, play with others, and he learned about Jesus and how much Jesus loves him.
The first day of his second year of preschool we were much more happy and excited, except for Kennedy.
I have also learned so much these last two years, especially watching Carter develop in preschool and grow into the most amazing, wonderful, smart little boy he is. His teachers made it very easy for me to drop him off everyday. They always greeted us, cared about us and treated us like we were family. Preschool for Carter was the best experience I could have asked for and the school he attended was amazing. I am so proud of Carter and everything he has accomplished and I know his teachers had a big impact on all of that. I am beyond grateful for Carter's teachers for guiding him, loving him, and teaching him everything they did.
I have been weepy all day. I don't know if it's because I know in a few short months Carter will start Kindergarten and be gone all day everyday and just thinking about that terrifies me and makes me so sad. I will miss him like crazy, but in my heart I am so happy for everything he is experiencing and learning. I just know this kid is gonna do BIG, HUGE things and I can't wait to see!