Kennedy is 2

I cannot believe Kennedy is two years old today.  It really does seem like yesterday I was pregnant with her.  I know every mom says this, but I really wish time would slow down.  Once I had my epidural and a room (you can read about Kennedy's birth story here) it was the most comfortable, glorious, amazing labor ever.  I have always told everyone that if every labor was like Kennedy's I could have several more children.  We have had a crazy year with little miss Kennedy.  She had surgery in November on her intestines (you can read about that here) and after being in the hospital for 8 days she seriously came home a different child.  She did not want to nap, eat, sleep through the night, play or do anything on her own.  It has been exhausting and frustrating, but like I tell myself and everyone else, each day gets better and in the last two months it really has gotten so much better.  She is talking so much, she understands everything we tell her, she is eating better (we are still working on that daily), she is napping better, but she is sleeping through the night, she is playing with Carter so well, and she is so much happier.  I personally think it just took her a long time to heal physically and mentally from her surgery and we are finally seeing a different side of her, which thankfully is her happy side.  Don't get me wrong, she is still a spicy little thing and will tell me "no", sometimes refuses to ride in the stroller because she thinks she can walk and will tell me "I walk", and she thinks she runs our household and the rest of us are just living in it.  But overall Kennedy is doing great!  Here are some updates on her.  She is wearing a size 4 diaper, wearing some 24 month clothing but mostly 2T, and size 6 in shoes.  She weighs 26 pounds.  She repeats anything you say and talks up a storm, she really understands everything we tell her.  She loves to dance, watch Bubble Guppies, Mickey Mouse Club House, Winnie The Pooh, and play on her iPad.  She enjoys coloring, eating breadsticks from La Bou, and pretzels.  She eats breakfast with Carter every morning, which is either waffles or pancakes with fresh fruit, though she really only cares for strawberries.  For lunch she will eat cheese, crackers, turkey lunch meat (I have to really force her to eat the lunch meat) and fruit or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.   For dinner we have been trying to feed her whatever I cook for Blake, myself, and Carter.  Her favorites are cheese pizza, pasta with red sauce and meatballs, and macaroni and cheese.  Throughout the day she snacks on pretzels, baby foods, gold fish, and other things.  She takes one nap per day starting around 12:30 for only about an hour to maybe an hour and a half.  She goes to sleep at night between 7:30-8:00pm.  She drinks 8oz of milk out of her sippy cup and sometimes we read or I sing while she drinks her milk.  I rock/hold her until she falls asleep and then I lay her down.  I know, I can see the mouths wide open that I am still holding/rocking Kennedy to sleep at nap and bedtime!  This will soon change once we get rid of the glider and she gets a big girl bed, which is happening very soon.  This is exactly what I did with Carter and he turned out just fine.  Plus, in my eyes they are only little for so long, so why not snuggle, rock, and hold those babies as long as they let you.  She still loves bath time and overall she is just the sweetest little love bug.  My personal favorites are when she fake sneezes (she goes "aaa choo" usually when she's in trouble and wants to change the subject) when she falls or does something wrong she says "oopsie".  After we give her a kiss she always says "awwwe".  These are just little things she does that I love and I don't want to forget them.  Happy Happy Birthday Kennedy.  I can't believe you are two!  I hope this year is amazing for you.  I wish you nothing but happiness, health, longer naps, restful sleeps through the night, yummy delicious foods in your belly, giggles all day, and all the love we can give you forever and ever!