Kennedy 19 Months

Kennedy is 19 months old today. She is in a size 4 diaper. She is wearing 18-24 month clothing and size 5 or 6 in shoes. She weighs 23 pounds and she is 33 inches tall. She is talking up a storm! She will try to repeat anything you say or she just comes up to me and starts babbling and talking and I can't understand a word she is saying. She says mama, dada, baby, duck, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Bubble Guppies, papa, me, bye, no, Yee Haw, Carter (but she can't pronounce her C sound so it sounds like Tarter) and so much more. She eats breakfast with Carter every morning. They have either waffles, pancakes, or bagels with fruit (she eats breakfast foods really well). Usually an hour after breakfast she has a baby food with rice cereal. An hour after that she usually has a yogurt. She is not the best napper. I put her down between 12 and 1pm and she only naps for about an hour, sometimes a little longer. After nap we have lunch. She eats sliced cheese, turkey, fruit, and crackers. She used to eat pb&j and other things, but she has become a little picky eater. Usually an hour after lunch she will have another baby food with rice cereal or maybe some other kind of snack. For dinner she eats whatever we make for Carter. Her favorite dinner foods are butter and cheese pasta and cheese pizza. She also loves peas. She goes to bed right at 8pm and drinks about 8oz of milk before bed in her sippy cup. She has been waking up in the middle of the night and I think it is because of teething, which is no fun for this mama. She still adores bath time and I am so excited to see what 2016 has in store for this little beauty!