Kennedy is 17 months old. She is wearing size 4 diapers. She is wearing a size 5 in shoes. She is wearing 18 month clothing. She eats breakfast right when she wakes up - usually a baby food and whatever I am making for Carter like pancakes or waffles and fruit - then another baby food and snack around 10am, a bottle when she goes down for a nap between 12-1 pm, baby food and lunch when she wakes up from her nap, another baby food and dinner at 6pm and then just a bottle around 8pm and she is down for the night. Kennedy has been kind of refusing milk over the last 2 weeks at nap time and bed time. She is only taking 1 nap a day. She is still sleeping through the night. She still loves bath time, watching Carter, and playing outside in the backyard is her favorite! She is running all over the place and never sits still. She likes feeding herself, but when she's done she thinks it's funny to throw whatever is left on her tray down onto the floor. She says mama, dad, duck, bath, Mickey Mouse, Minnie, and Kennedy (she can't pronounce the K sound so she says "Ennedy" and we think it is the cutest thing ever). She loves the iPad and has basically claimed daddy's as her own, so now each child has their own iPad when we are in the car. She watches Yo Gabba Gabba, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and Bubble Guppies. She listens really well and seems to understand anything I tell her or ask her. She is very sassy and nothing like Carter at all. They are complete opposites. She is full of energy and is definitely keeping me and Blake on our toes.
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