Kennedy is 7 months already! I seriously cannot believe it. It is going by way too fast and not slowing down one bit! She has been enjoying all of her first holidays. She is still wearing a size 3 diaper. She is just about out of a size 2 in shoes and moving to a size 3. She is wearing only 9 month clothing or some 6-12 month clothing. She drinks a bottle when she wakes up at 7am, then baby food and a bottle at 11am, baby food and bottle at 3pm, baby food and bottle at 6pm and then just a bottle between 8-8:30pm and she is down for the night. She is sleeping through the night and it is amazing. I don't take one day for granted that she is such a good baby and sleeping through the night. She is such a happy baby. She still loves bath time and watching her brother all day and night. She still only has 2 bottom teeth and is rolling everywhere. She can almost sit on her own, but is still figuring out how to balance. This year ending will be bitter sweet since we brought her into the world in 2014, but we can't wait to celebrate her 1st birthday in May and see everything that GOD has in store for us in 2015!
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