15 Months

Carter turned 15 months today on November 15th! He weighs just over 24 pounds and he is the 75th percentile for his weight and he is 32.5 inches tall and he is in the 90th percentile for his height. I love every minute with him. He really makes me laugh! He is completely walking now. He is wearing a size 4 diaper, a size 4 or 5 in shoes (just depends on the brand). He is wearing 18 month clothing. Carter has 4 teeth coming in right now. He sleeps through the night, which he has been doing for months. He usually goes down between 9:00 and 9:30 pm and sleeps until 7:30 or 8:00 am. I am very happy with this schedule. Blake and I stay up very late so it works for us. Carter also sleeps with a sound machine, which he has since he was a couple months old. We use it at nap time and bed time and sometimes in the car to drown out other noises. Carter is still drinking from a sippy cup with milk at nap time and bed time and the rest of the time he drinks water from a cup with a straw. He is still eating pureed baby food, but also eats some regular foods too. Carter is a talking machine (like his mama). We babble all day and night and his favorite word that he says all the time is dada. He still watches the same shows. I love to read to him and bath time is so much fun! My favorite thing that he has been doing for a couple months is giving kisses! If you are eye level with him and ask for a kiss he will give you a great big kiss. Of course we do this all day and night. He has even started blowing kisses to say goodbye. He also gives big hugs. Carter's Recaro car seats face forward now. His legs and feet were so big and long that we had to turn him around. He absolutely loves it. We are loving every minute with our big boy. We are looking forward to moving in the next couple of weeks and spending the holidays with family and friends!