"ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series" invites us into the daily lives of Zed, Addison, Eliza, Willa, Wyatt, Wynter, A-spen, Bree and the entire Seabrook crew when alien tech allows them to transport to an alternate timeline and re-do their senior year. Get ready for more musical fun and new faces as Seabrook becomes the #1 destination for all kinds of mythical monsters looking for a fresh start. And this means some pretty wild adventures-from the cafeteria to the football field-because sometimes the scariest thing you have to face is high school. It will premiere on Disney Channel June 28 and Disney+ June 29. Watch the tutorial HERE on how to make candy kabobs.
Let's make DIY megaphones! Print out the template HERE. I printed them on pink and green paper and with your kids decorate them with words like Seabrook and zombies. Add a football, helmet, pom pom and other things and get ready to cheer!
Watch the tutorial here on how to make these megaphones.
Let's make DIY pennant flags. Cut your paper or felt into a triangle. Cut strips for your border and ties. Add words like Seabrook, zombies, cheer, Disney+, etc. Attach a stick and you are done.
Watch the tutorial here on how to make pennant flags.
Let's make beaded bracelets for our watch party at home. All you need is some string and beads. Decide on a pattern or what you want your bracelet to read. String the beads and tie it a couple times in knots when you are done to make sure it is secure.
Watch the tutorial here on how to make beaded bracelets.
To make the candy kabob all you need is a kabob stick and your favorite gummy candies. Just pierce each piece of candy with the stick, slide it down and continue the pattern until you have reached the top. These will make a great treat while watching Zombies: The Re-Animated Series. Watch the tutorial HERE on how to make candy kabobs.