With all-new CG animation and imaginative character-driven storylines, the upcoming DORA series follows everyone’s favorite bilingual explorer, Dora (Diana Zermeño), and her best monkey friend, Boots (Asher Colton Spence), as they embark on epic adventures in a fantastical rainforest. Guided by trustworthy Map (Anairis Quiñones), Dora and her friends must work together to overcome many obstacles while being challenged by the sneakiest fox, Swiper (Marc Weiner). Kathleen Herles, the original voice of Dora the Explorer, returns to the new series as Mami, and Mike Smith Rivera joins the cast as Papi. Watch Dora on Paramount+ on April 12.
Produced by Nickelodeon Animation and featuring 26 CG-animated 11-minute episodes, DORA will premiere on Friday, April 12, exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Australia. Twenty episodes will be available to stream in all Paramount+ international markets outside of France and Japan on April 12. The series will also air on Nick Jr. internationally.
I had the honor of interviewing Diana who voices Dora and Kathleen who voices Mami. Kathleen is also the original voice of Dora from 2000 through 2007!