This season, Reynie, Sticky, Kate and Constance, the four gifted orphans who were recruited by the eccentric Mr. Benedict, embark on another mission to save the world from the nefarious plans of his twin brother Dr. L.D. Curtain. The Original series, based on the New York Times bestselling book series by Trenton Lee Stewart, will debut new episodes weekly on Wednesdays, streaming on Disney+ on October 26th.
When the kids discover that Mr. Benedict and Number Two have been kidnapped, they must piece together the riddles and clues within a perilous scavenger hunt set by Mr. Benedict to foil Curtain’s latest scheme. Relying on only their wits, intellect, and empathy, the charming group of misfits embark on a globe-trotting adventure by air, land, sea and pie truck, calling upon their special skills to solve the mysteries and rescue their lost comrades. Along the way, the kids experience the growing pains that come along with being part of their new "found family'', while remaining true to their unique selves. In the process, they discover what true happiness really means.
We absolutely loved season 1 and we are so happy that season 2 will be premiering on October 26th. Make sure you catch up on season 1 on Disney+ before season 2 premieres. This is a great show for families and children. Everyone will love it! The show is smart and funny. I also like that show encourages courage, curiosity, teamwork, and friendship.
Let's DIY a magnifying glass for The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2. All you need is paper, glue, scissors, and clear cellophane wrap. Print the magnifying glass template on and cut it out, and cut the middle circle out, glue the cellophane wrap around the edge and you are done.
Print magnifying glass here.
Watch the tutorial here.
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