Marvel Studios’ “Ms. Marvel” introduces Kamala Khan, a Muslim American teenager growing up in Jersey City. An avid gamer and a voracious fan-fiction scribe, Kamala is a Super Hero megafan with an oversized imagination, particularly when it comes to Captain Marvel. Yet Kamala feels like she doesn’t fit in at school and sometimes even at home. That is, until she gets superpowers like the heroes she’s always looked up to. Life gets better with superpowers, right? Ms. Marvel is on Disney+ now.
The series stars Iman Vellani, Matt Lintz, Yasmeen Fletcher, Zenobia Shroff, Mohan Kapur, Saagar Shaikh, Rish Shah, Fawad Khan, Laurel Marsden, Arian Moayed, Adaku Ononogbo, Alysia Reiner, Azhar Usman, Laith Nakli, Nimra Bucha and Travina Springer, with Aramis Knight.
We were able to screen the first two episodes and we loved it. Each episode is a little under 1 hour and we were engaged the entire time. Iman Vellani is so perfect as Kamala Khan. The show is new and refreshing. We loved the drawings into the storytelling, there is action and representation and we loved it. Ms. Marvel will air weekly on Disney+.
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