Do, Re & Mi is an Amazon Original animated series for preschoolers that centers around the musical adventures of three best birdie buddies voiced by Kristen Bell, Jackie Tohn, and Luke Youngblood. Featuring delightful adventures and toe-tapping original songs spanning multiple genres, the series takes little ones on a journey where they will discover new sounds and melodies, move to the beat, and see how music helps solve every problem! Launching September 17 on Amazon Prime Video and Amazon Kids+.
There are 6 episodes and they are adorable. My kids are 10 and 7 and they watched all 6 episodes one Saturday morning. We were honored to be asked to screen the series early. I love that in each episode there is a problem and Do Re Mi solve it by helping each other and being there for one another. Do, Re & Mi takes little ones on a journey where they will discover new sounds and melodies, move to the beat, and see how music helps solve every problem! By encouraging self-expression through music and providing an introduction to music fundamentals (e.g. beat, lyrics, tempo, etc.), the series aims to help children establish a lifelong positive relationship with music.
Kids and families will also be able to enjoy the world of Do, Re & Mi through toys, a book, a mobile game, and a teacher and family guide
About the Toys:
The Do, Re & Mi toy collection from Jazwares, available exclusively on Amazon this fall, will feature the loveable characters, music, and settings from the series. The line will include plush toys of Do the owl, Re the hummingbird, and Mi the blue jay, as well as interactive musical instruments, playsets, and more that incorporate the themes of friendship, adventure, and the positive power of music.
About the Book:
The Mysterious Beat (from Two Lions, the children’s imprint of Amazon Publishing) retells the first episode of Do, Re & Mi in an illustrated storybook form, with the paperback edition including a set of 20 stickers. The book will be available for purchase in paperback and on Kindle on September 17th. Amazon Kids+ and Kindle Unlimited subscribers will receive free access to the Kindle edition, while Prime members will get free access through Prime Reading.
About the Mobile Game:
Do, Re & Mi: Musical Adventure is a mobile game consisting of multiple minigames that incorporate aspects of music education, such as following a beat, music vocabulary, and instrument identification. Coming soon, the game will be made available for download via the iOS App Store, Android Google Play Store, and the Amazon App Store, as well as existing within the Amazon Kids+ environment.
About the Teacher and Family Guide:
The Do, Re & Mi teacher and family guide is designed to support educators and families in helping young children build basic musical skills by instilling a foundational love for music. The program can be seamlessly integrated into weekly schedules in outdoor play, learning centers, transition times, small- and whole-group activities, and more. Each episode has a comprehensive learning experience that focuses on the social, emotional, character, and musical elements from the story. All materials for the first six episodes will launch September 17th with the series on Prime Video | DoGoodery Film Resources & Media Literacy.
Episode 1: Curious Birdious: Do is awakened by the sound of a beat and wants to figure out who's making it and why it's causing his foot to tap. Rain Rain You Can Stay: When a rainstorm blows in and Mi's house begins to leak ruining their picnic plans.
Episode 2: Best Buggy Blues: When Presto goes on vacation to visit his family, Mi really misses him. Do and Re help Mi feel better. Listen To Your Body: When Re hurts her tail, her friends try their hardest to keep her calm and let her body heal.
Episode 3: Just Won't Quit: Do learns that if he keeps trying he can master one of the steps of flying, a great landing! Look At Me, Little Me: Re has been asked to preform with Flora & The Flamingo gos but doubts her tiny her tiny self next to the flamingos she admires so much.
Epsiode 4: Raspberry Cupcakes: Re tries to teach the chickies to make raspberry tarts but first has to find the best way to get their attention. Together we're not alone: When the friends lose their way in the forest they retrace their steps by following the sounds they heard on their way in.
Episode 5: Maestro Moon Day: Re gets the hiccups and thinks there is no way she can sing a special song to celebrate Maestro Moon while bouncing around. Feathery Friends Day: Mi writes a special song for the friends on Feathery Friends Day, but when Mi can't sing the birds mess up the lyrics in a funny case of singing telephone.
Episode 6: Happy Hatchiversary: The friends make a gift for Juan Peacock and learn that they can't all work at the same time. So they work and sing in rounds to get the job done. Shake Your Tail Feathers: Do, Re, and Mi help Seymore Saymore gain the confidence he needs to dance at the big dance.
Make sure you check out Do, Re & Mi on Amazon Prime Video and Amazon Kids+
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