With school starting virtually for us I love to find a game or activity we can do as a family in the afternoon or evening to have fun and unwind. With board games, card games, sports games, solitaire, and even a piano keyboard, Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics is a collection of games to play and discover on your Nintendo Switch system. I have already shared how much we love our Nintendo Switch as a family and this new game is perfect for all of us to play together. Each game includes how-to-play instructions and trivia tidbits. Play on the go, on the TV, or with others locally or online. It is so much fun!
I really like that Clubhouse Games is an introduction to these tabletop experiences if you have never played before. You can pick any of the games at any time and there’s no unlocking process. With every game you are presented with a brief tutorial video that gives you the basics on how to play so young and old will be ready to rock.
One of the great things about Clubhouse is how it utilizes different control schemes for different purposes. If you’re playing darts, you can use touchscreen swipes to toss a dart in portable mode or if you’re playing on a TV you can hold the Joy-Con like a real dart and make a throwing motion. Bowling works in the same way, while other games like checkers swap motion controls for standard button inputs.
Our favorite part of the experience has been discovering new things, teaching the kids new games and discovering games we'd never had the opportunity to try before, like the ancient strategy game mancala (which is now a family favorite). There is just something comforting about Clubhouse Games and playing childhood games that Blake and I grew up playing that we are now able to teach the kids. Clubhouse Games does a great job grouping the games into helpful categories, for example "social" or "sport," and sharing bits of trivia and information as you play. I also love that you can either play Clubhouse games by yourself or in a group, and it is suitable for both portable and TV play.
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