Our Easter

We had lots of Easter celebrations over the last few days and Carter and Kennedy were spoiled tremendously!   Thank you to everyone.  My sister came over and had goodies for Carter and Kennedy.  They LOVED their Disney baskets that were filled with goodies and light up ducky bath toys!  Plus, confetti eggs (she brings these every year) are always a hit, literally.


There were 4 golden eggs hidden on the golf course and this lucky boy found one with the help from Grandma Nikki!  He won a huge Easter basket filled with candy, a bubble gun, bubble wand, a huge container of bubbles to refill the wand and gun, and so much more!  


Sunday morning we got up extra early and went to Blake's parents house in Los Banos.  We spent Easter morning with Blake's parents, grandparents, Vance & Ashley and their children, and Garrett and Ashley and their children.  We celebrated Easter as a family, had a wonderful breakfast, another egg hunt, and of course the Easter bunny came and left treats for the kids.  Thank you Steve and Nikki for having us over in the morning and celebrating Easter with us.