Kennedy is 11 months old. She is wearing size 4 diapers. She is wearing a size 3 or 4 in shoes. She is wearing 12 and 18 month clothing. She drinks a bottle when she wakes up at 7am, then baby food and a bottle at 11am, baby food and bottle at 3pm, baby food and bottle at 6pm and then just a bottle between 8-8:30pm and she is down for the night. She is still sleeping through the night and taking 2 naps per day (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) in her crib. She still loves bath time and watching her brother all day and night. She is now pulling herself up on anything and everything to stand and can even balance for a while on her own. She can walk around a table or other object that she has her hands on, so I'm sure she will be taking steps before long. She likes feeding herself little baby snacks or small pieces of things we give her from our plates that are easy to gum and swallow. When she has had enough, she thinks it's funny to throw whatever is still on her tray onto the floor. This mama does NOT think that is funny. She says mama and babbles all the time. She tries to repeat other words, but nothing really makes sense yet.
Recently we went to Kauai and she went swimming everyday in the pool. She would just float or play in the water. She loved it. So far at home she is loving our pool as well.
Her first word and her only word still is mama. She calls for me all day long.
Kennedy is also standing on her own! She will be walking before we know it! Here are a couple of funny pics I got of her this morning.