Every year I host a Christmas party. Some years it has been a gift exchange/white elephant party and last year I just invited girls to come over and we played tons of games and I gave out prizes/gifts. This year I decided to do a Favorite Things Party and it was so much fun. Every girl had to bring 3 of the exact same item, not 3 different things and everyone went home with 3 new favorite things! Each girl got up and talked about their favorite item and then drew 3 names out of the glass jar and those 3 girls went home with the item. It was a great time and there were some great gifts! Of course there was yummy foods, cupcakes, drinks, Christmas music, LRC (Dede won), and an amazing photo booth backdrop with Christmas props! It was a great night and I want to thank all the girls who took time away from husbands, children, families, work, traveled far, and spent the evening with me. I really appreciate you girls coming. It takes a lot of planning, effort, and of course money to throw a fun party and I just appreciate the girls who come every year! Love you friends and Merry Christmas!!
My favors for each girl when they left
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