Kennedy 6 Months

Today Kennedy is 6 months old. She is wearing size 3 diapers. She is wearing a size 2 in shoes. She is wearing 9 month clothing. She is growing so fast! She is drinking 6 ounces at every feeding and eats every 3 to 4 hours. We also started her on oatmeal cereal and she seems to really love that. At bedtime, which is usually around 8:30pm, she drinks 6 ounces and sleeps in her crib. She sleeps through the night and wakes every morning around 7am. She is a happy baby and loves her swing and bath time. She is starting to babble and coo, which we can't get enough of and her laugh is the best! She has 2 bottom teeth and is rolling over like crazy. She is the sweetest baby and seriously she is always so happy and easy going. We are just so blessed and lucky. We love her very much!