I cannot believe 8 months have already gone by! It's scary to think I only have 1 more month. I have so much to do still! I am trying to finish Kennedy's room, wash all of her blankets and clothes, pack my hospital bag, keep the house very clean, take care of Carter, cook, and of course get errands done and other things. It has been very warm in Fresno this past week, which does not make for a happy pregnant mama! It is hard to play outside with Carter or run errands even at 11am! It is just so hot. I am totally getting sick of my maternity clothes and tired of using the bathroom at all hours of the night. I had a doctor appointment this past week and I am not dilated at all and my cervix is not thinned at all, so we might have a few more weeks. My due date is May 26th. I will be sure to keep you all posted when Kennedy arrives, but in the mean time please pray for a healthy baby girl, for my epidural to work this time, and a speedy labor. My epidural did not work at all with Carter and I labored for 25 hours. I need things to go a little bit smoother this time around.
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