22 Months

Carter turned 22 months today! He is wearing a size 4 diaper, a size 6 - 7 in shoes, and 18 to 24 month clothing. He is sleeping through the night, taking 1 nap per day. He loves to dance, swim, go on evening walks, play outside, sing his ABC's and count to ten (forward AND backward!). We started swim lessons this month and even though he loves swimming, our pool, his baths, and water in general, he absolutely hates swim lessons at Jan Thomas. He just screams the entire time. He is still a talking machine and is saying new words daily. He still loves to watch Yo Gabba Gabba, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins, and Bubble Guppies. His new favorite is Team Umizoomi. He still loves to play games on the iPhone and iPad. He is still pretty much eating the same foods, which means in the last month my picky eater has not changed. He is getting so big. I cannot believe I almost have a 2 year old. We love you Carter.