17 Months

Carter turned 17 months today. He is wearing a size 4 diaper, a size 5 in shoes, and 18 month clothing. Carter has 12 teeth and new ones are coming in all the time. He is sleeping through the night, taking 2 naps per day and running all over the place. Carter drinks regular 2% milk at nap time and bed time. He is still eating some pureed baby foods to make sure he gets his fruit and vegetable intake, but eats several foods that Blake and I eat as well. His favorites right now are macaroni and cheese, pasta, rice, and any kind of cracker or bread (he loves carbs). He is still a talking machine. We read to him daily and he is starting to point to objects when we ask where something is. He babbles a lot and I cannot wait until the day when I can understand what he is trying to tell me. He says "night night" when he is ready for nap or bed time. He still watches the same shows. He will give kisses on command, which I love. He will also give hugs and he squeezes you real tight. I absolutely love being home with him everyday. He is my best buddy. We eat breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner together, we go shopping, spend lots of time with auntie Ashley (my sister), and run lots of errands. He follows me around the house and I would be lost without him. I can honestly say I love spending every second with my little man. I think our new favorite thing that Carter does this month is after anyone takes a drink of something, he looks at you and goes "ahhhhh". It is the funniest and cutest thing. I have no idea where he picked it up, but we go around sipping something all the time just to hear him say "ahhhhh". This month he has also started doing somersaults, sometimes all on his own, but usually prefers to stand with his head down waiting to be pushed over. Once on his back, he claps for himself. So cute. Happy 17th months Carter!