16 Months

Carter turned 16 months today. He is wearing a size 4 diaper, a size 5 in shoes, and 18 month clothing. Carter has 12 teeth and new ones are coming in by the day. He is sleeping through the night, taking 2 naps per day and running all over the place. This month holds new challenges with him wanting to take every ornament off the tree and hand them to me and unwrap the presents under the Christmas tree. Carter is completely done with formula and he drinks regular 2% milk. He is still eating some pureed baby foods to make sure he gets his fruit and vegetable intake, but eats several foods that Blake and I eat as well. His favorites right now would be macaroni and cheese, pasta, and rice. He is still a talking machine. We read to him daily and talk to him all the time. He babbles a lot and I cannot wait until the day when I can understand what he is trying to tell me. He still watches the same shows and Grandma Nikki bought him tickets to see Yo Gabba Gabba Live in March so we are very excited! I can't wait to see how Carter will react to seeing those silly creatures up close. He will give kisses on command, which I love. I steal them all day long. He will also give hugs or in our household we ask him for a big squeeze and he squeezes you real tight. I absolutely love being home with him everyday. He is my best buddy. We eat breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner together, we go shopping, spend lots of time with auntie Ashley (my sister), and run lots of errands. He follows me around the house and I would be lost without him. I can honestly say I love spending every second with my little man. Lately he has even come to some of my appointments with me and he just sits in his stroller watching a show on the iPad and eating a snack. He is the best little guy! Not a minute goes by that I don't thank God for Carter.