Carter is 11 months old today! He is still in a size 3 diaper, he is wearing a size 4 in shoes, and he wears 12-18 month clothing. He weighs 21 pounds 10 ounces. He is eating baby foods like a champ and we have started introducing regular foods that Blake and I are eating. His favorite meal is still breakfast. He loves pancakes and waffles and I am happy to get up each morning and make my little man breakfast. He loves to babble and clap and he still watches Yo Gabba Gabba and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. We are also watching some PBS and he loves the show Super Why. Carter is crawling and moving all over the place. I am getting my exercise by chasing him around all day. He is getting into everything and he can pull himself up to stand in his crib, against the couch, and the coffee table. My baby boy is growing up so fast and I don't like it one bit. Of course we are still enjoying every minute with our little man. We have been swimming a lot, he loves the water and we have so much fun in our pool. Happy 11 months Carter! I cannot believe I am planning his first birthday party and he will be 1 next month!
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